Mommy Makeover in a Box

Got the go ahead from the doctors to start pumping some iron, and my Mommy Makeover came today. 
Details below:

  1. BOB Revolition Duallie Stroller, Black - $536.00 (Amazon Prime)
  2. BOSU Balance Trainer - $109.00 (Target)
  3. GAIAM Balance Bal Kit - $19.99 (Amazon Prime)
  4. TRX FORCE Tactical Kit - $299.99 (Amazon Prime) *I got mine for free. My husband is a Marine and while he was deployed in Afghanistan they gave him this kit. I would buy it regardless though, it's awesome. 
  5. New Balance Sport Armband iPhone- $23.00 (Amazon)
  6. BOB Infant Carseat Adapter Duallie- $70.00 (Amazon Prime)
  7. BOB Handlebar Console Duallie- $29.00 (Amazon Prime)
Pray for me... opening the boxes and setting up the equipment is a workout in itself.